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Unlocking the potential of historic properties




When you’re at the beginning of your old home journey, you need Kate Wood. 

Kate is an award-winning preservationist, real estate broker and rehabilitation strategist whose mission is to help homeowners plan and execute projects that bring their properties into the 21st century while honoring the character that makes them unique. Years of experience and relationships underpin her success in matching people with properties, skilled trades, historic tax credits and other resources to support top-tier rehabilitation projects. 

Learn more about Kate.

Photo by Phil Mansfield

Photo by Em McCann Zauder

Ready to discuss your historic rehabilitation project?


Award-winning preservationist,
real estate broker,
speaker and author

“Wood has major preservation chops…
Her best work is gently unpeeling layers, to give the house time to show its history.”
— Hudson Valley Magazine

“Some people step into a fixer-upper and immediately realize its full potential, falling in love with the very idea of taking on such a project. Kate Wood specializes in just that.”— Inside+Out Upstate NY