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In the category of silver linings, 2020 is going to be an epic garden year. The greens are getting almost as much love and hand (er, leaf) holding as our 2nd-grade remote learner. Salad days are on their way

“Ah! There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.” ~ Jane Austen, Emma The sanctuary we felt in our childhood homes. The adventure of visiting historic house museums on summer vacations. The thrill of going to bed and waking up in ancient

Germantown has so many wonderful things going for it (see our Connect page, for starters). Ah, but underneath! No, not some seedy cultural underbelly or local haunting. But something formed deep (alas not deep enough) in the earth, eons

As I scurry about on this Thanksgiving eve, checking through mental to-do lists, something breaks through my concentration and delivers a shot of total pleasure: lights! After one last trip to Otto’s Market, Lawlor’s Package Store and Athabold Flowers, I