In the category of silver linings, 2020 is going to be an epic garden year. The greens are getting almost as much love and hand (er, leaf) holding as our 2nd-grade remote learner. Salad days are on their way…
Hoop house experiment to deter pests Those protected include the Brassicas (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower)… And lacinato kale, carrots, lettuce… And radishes… Plus a years-old tarragon plant that a woodchuck had nibbled down to the ground in March Mr. Snake wards off chipmunks…and gives me a jolt every damn time I see him Wire fencing protects more lettuces, swiss chard… Bok choy, snap peas, spinach… Romaine “roses” Endless escarole Lavender on the verge of blossom explosion Peonies verging in solidarity Catmint border Woodland wildflowers Our whole backyard used to look like this Invaders in the garden Apollo hunting down Python (aka Mr. Snake)?